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SILVIO CAMILlERI -  Presedent of WUMA Malta


DALE HAMILTON -  Event Co-ordinator


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Hi all,  To all those who signed my guestbook....thankyou. 
It looks like you all had a good time in Malta. I'm glad about that. The event passed but the memories remain. Till yesterday the championships were shown on Maltese Television. It was a success. After all the hard work that we put in, seeing this guestbook makes me feel proud. 
A big thanks to Dicker for having faith in us and giving us the chance to promote this event. 
Respect in Martial Arts

Dale Hamilton - Event Co-ordinatior


Hi just want to say thanks for a fantastic week, and finally a dream come true!! 17 years competition but got there in the end!! whatever anyone says negative about your organisation just ignore, to look round that hall on Saturday and Sunday and see peoples faces when there dreams come true was amazing and you and your team made that possible. You should be a very very proud man!!! see you in a couple of weeks.   thanks again

Craig Butterfield


Dear Dicker and Simone thanks for a great time at the Malta World Championships.

Stacy and Stef are chuffed to be world champions,  See you at the Sixfoot tournament

All the best.

Lance Manyer

The Black Country

Hi Dicker and Simone
Just to let you know what a great time we all had and what a great crowd you all are. We were made to feel very welcome and it was a pleasure representing team deadly. It is such a nice change to be a part of such a friendly competition (Germans excepted) and we are all looking forward to meeting up again at the BOSS Internationals, give our best to everyone see you soon.

Sandy Rose & James Gaskill


Hi Justine here from Whitstable Karate Kai, just wanted to say well done to everyone who took part in Malta and congratulations to all as well. I would also like to apologise for my sister Danielle Kemsley i have heard she jumped you after hearing the result (only joking!!!) i think she was a little bit happy. Thankyou for looking after her and her friend Claire they both had a fantastic time i think she will be talking about it for the rest of her life. They are both looking forward to the next one as i am myself as i am hoping to compete as well, it has been a couple of years since i did a competition but i hope to be back on form soon. Thankyou again and look forward to seeing you all soon

Justine Sibley


Hey every1 had a BRILLIANT time in Malta and well done to the whole squad. I would like to say thanks to every1 involved in getting us there and a big thankyou to Simone and Dicker and every1 else at HQ that has helped me throughout the years and it has finally paid off.    A huge thanks to the support from the squad especially in my continuous semi finals was great help and got me going for the extra 30 sec. was one of the best weeks of my life and I will never forget it.  We had a brilliant team.  Again a big thanks Simone and Dicker for taking me out there and all the time you have both put in over the years, and thanks for getting me there in the end.  

Scott Andrews


Thanks everyone for a fantastic week and well done to all the squad. 
It was great to meet all of you.    Thanks to Dicker, Goldie and Blade for all the work you did last week. 
See you at the six foot's.

Sandra and Ryan Embling


Wow! Wot a week! Not sure how long it will take to recover! Hope everyone had a good trip home and are seeping back into normal life again... Well done EVERYONE we had the most tremendous squad yet-we can only get better and stronger from here. Leif, well chuffed I got my cuddle :-) Much love to the samurai finger squad. Big Darren Coleman is setting up a "my Space" for anyone who wants to send photos videos etc and will put a link to our site-cant wait. I know the two day after party holds some gems in the photo department so watch this space... Again well done to everyone-DD, Goldie you did it again!

Jess Hinaman

Cheltenham HQ

DEADLY, SIMONE.BLADE, JESS AND ALL AT HQ,   Thanks for making it all possible, all the hard work and extra stress time must now feel worth it. Wot a Championship !!! Squad team spirit has got to off been the best ever and I enjoyed every minute of it.       MUVVA AND KEITH, Thanks for patching me up yet again . LOL. LOL. LOL. 
MAM AND DAD ,  You are great parents and I could never have done it without you both. Pleased I could do it finally with you both there and wot else can I say but you are both the best. 
DEADLY, SIMONE,  You know what I think of you both, you have helped me so much in my career and I am so proud to once again be a WUMA WORLD CHAMPION. Thank you so so so much, great Respect Lethal 
DEADLY,    It is not funny but wot a surprise that after all that joking about you diving into the sea and causing a tsunami 1 is likely to happen and hit Japan, my thoughts are with all those people. 



Well done to everyone at the worlds even Goldie got a point (against one of the Malta spectators ) lol . We all had a brill time it was worth all the hard training , all of our squad got at least one trophy . We made some good friends out there . Master Deadly thanks for your kind words regarding our self-defence .We worked really hard at it for the last six months . Hash was a hard one to beat him and Steve did brilliant . We will take your advice and keep the same one for the future comps.   Once again thanks to all of your team it went really well . Take care.

Chris Edghill

Bangor, North Wales

Simone . Cant wait for Sixfoot fight offs ill try and get some pom poms lol. Thanks for your support when i fought i was really scared .To everyone else i really had a good time and met some lovely people and it has really given me a boost to fight in future comps Well done to everyone especially to our squad and thankyou to my husband Chris for all of the work he put in in training us . (He does look sexy as you say in his (James Bond self-Defence uniform ).

Allison Edghill

Bangor, North Wales

Hey everyone... Malta was amazing! Big thanks to everyone who organised it, and a big thanks to everyone for making it such an amazing time out there!   Still tired from the whole event...even though it was only one day...i feel so stiff and drained! Get back into training tonight for the 6 Foot event!    Well done to everyone wherever they placed...we all kicked butt out there and definitely showed the rest of the world what a force the squad is (especially the Italians haha) 
Hope to see everyone soon, Take care Lil Trixter:

Hash Shihab


Ola or should i say bonjour?     Just want to say a massive thank you to Master Deadly and Simone for all their support during my fights...Simone you were brilliant and i couldn't have asked for somebody better in my were amazing and i can't thank you enough.      Also... what an amazing team spirit us Brits had especially when Lethal Leif kept starting off the WUMA song lol..     There were a lot of great memories created on that trip...simone's break dancing while dressed as Vicky Pollard and Blade dancing around the Salsa bar with a giant willy are memories I'll never forget.    Well done to everybody who competed...we all did ourselves and our country proud so well done. 
Lil Trixter... I know your gutted about your results but you did amazing and i'm so proud of you! 
Hope to see you all soon.   All my love Bobber

Sarah Marsh


After all that has been said, I doubt we could add anymore. It has got to have been the most fun and successful championships I have had the honor to attend.  Team spirit was defo at an all time high and friendship plentiful. 
I doubt I have ever laughed so much as I did on Monday night, thank you all for that. 
Visiting my sisters grave was a very special and moving experience and having the chance to do that within such a special time made it even more wonderful. 
LEIF.  Son, it is your dad and I that should be giving out the thanks, you make us proud to be parents. You were determined not to pull out although it was obvious the pain you were in. Well Done mate, you truly deserved all 4 of your World Titles and it was nice to see you lift the spirit of your team mates with your constant verses of the squad song. lol. DEADLY AND SIMONE, You have a squad to be proud of, created my 2 very special people. Well done !! 
RICKY-LEE, Well Done m8, you are truly deserving of that title. the hard work pays off. 
JAMIE AND BOBBY, 2 Fantastic little stars, champions in the making !! Bobby your m8 Bob is missing you already. 

Mr & Mrs Taggart


To: Master Deadly and Simone, 
what a week we all had a fantastic time! all enjoyed the 2 day tournament with great results for the squad! the GB squad looked and sounded amazing in that stadium! what an atmosphere there was!!! especially enjoyed Chris and Richies self defence lol. we made loads of friends and memories that will never be forgotten..... me n Rick in the belly flopping contest! HA HA that hurt that did!! lol only one thing has gutted us all, our camcorder and all the films of us at the tournament were nicked from our suitcase on the way home! once again a big thanks from us all and hope 2 see you at the B.O.S.S. in 2 weeks. great Respects and a big thanks to everyone who made it happen, take care.

Dan & Sam Lee and Family

Bangor, North Wales

Hi everyone, I've just started a myspace site up for everyone to add photo's to the site from Malta, if you would like your photo' seen by everyone then send me a few and i'll add them. 
Well done to everyone who took part and well done to Dicker and co for getting a dam good resort. 
ps. do we have to invite those cheating italians next time ;-)  ciao

Darren Coleman


Hey guy's Fantastic time, so much better than ever anticipated.    Loving all the friends I've made, i think you guy's will be friends for life, love you all!    Love to all the samurai finger squad, you people are crazy, nuts and slightly detached but your all awesome!!!      Big shout out to Tiny Tim and Blade you are two of the funniest people i have met think your wicked!!!     Hope to see you all at the six footer!!! 

Shell Collins


Hay Ya'll!!!     What an amazing time!!! So much better than I had anticipated but really didn't know what to expect being my first Worlds!    Massive shout out to all the members of the samurai finger squad, especially our founder Johnny 5 and Grand master Bates!!    I've met some amazing people in a week, friends for life; Jess, Tracey, Johnny 5, Darren B, Darren C, Blade and Tim (with the tiny turtles!!) you guys all crack me up!! Tim; best stay away from all the ..animals!! he he!!    I've already seen some of the photos from Sunday night, absolutely hilarious, especially the shots of people trying to spontaneously combust!!   A massive thanks to Master Deadly and the HQ team for such an unforgettable time. 
I'll see you all at the 6 footer!!

Laura 'Legs' Moore

WOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWW!!!!   1 word to sum up the worlds and thats BRILLIANT!!!!   my 1st one and didn't really know wot to expect. Everyone i met there were top banana.    Definately made some freinds 4 life, SERIOUS!! 
Massive shout out and well done to my grimsby strike team elite members Shell and laura and thankyou to everyone who made it such a wicked time...Johnny 5(u legend), darren x2(quality people), scott & brian(hope the noses are better), tim & blade(funny as), jess, aiden, dale, arrrggghhh my heads hurtin now, you know who you are. 
Thanks to master deadly 4 putting everything together and creating the best event ever. 

John Tomlinson


Many thanx to all the organisers at wuma for such a fab event!A special hello to my fellow samurai finger friends, what a fantastic week,the bruises are fading but the memories will truly be everlasting.Highlights for me were Jon's desert island entry,Tiger Tim's animal farm and Blade's awesome display of moves on the dance floor!Big D keep going I am sure you will be the Champ next time!Jess thanx for your shout and all efforts too.It was also incredible to see how the young guns supported each other even at the old dears tea party display.Take care all.B D.

Brian Doherty

Wow people! So cool to read all the comments here - and there was me thinking it was just me that had the time of my life!!! Why the b'jesus have i missed all the other trips abroad??? D'oh! Serious! 
No matter how perfect an event or holiday is, i reckon at the end of the day it all comes down to the people you meet and the friends you share the experience with... and i certainly met the best bunch of crazy freaky dancers that i could have hoped for!    Thank you to everyone in the WUMA family that made it the funniest & best trip ever, not sure if I'm still hurting from the fighting or from laughing so much...? The Salsa bar and Murphy's pub are in my head forever now... 
Special shout out to the coolest and most genuine monkeyboys and monkeygirls of the Samurai Finger Squad - i love you goofy animal abusers!!!! See you all at the 6footer, or on that fun-packed Desert Island. Love & Horsebites.  Timmy 2Hedz 

Tim Saxton


Hey everyone - good to see so many people enjoyed Malta. A lot of hard work went into it, and it's top bonage to see that it all paid off. Must be the first time almost 200 people have combined fighting with drinking without getting arrested! 
Big shout out to the Samurai Finger Team - keep that salute ready to draw on the next meeting. I'm just shining mine up for speedy exposure! I guess that the trip is definitely proof that "Not everybody can win, but everybody can have a good time".     Jonny 5 - let me know the progress on your up & coming Bathroom Kata. Extra point surely for a 501 button fly tug effect?    Q. How many Squad members does it take to change a light bulb?   A. 198 of course - we're a team!! 
Keep it real gang    ps - Me thinks the Italians might well make a fine pizza, but Humble Pie is most definitely not on their menu! Capiche?    Blade 2006

Terry Saxton

Cirencester & WUMA HQ

Goldie :  thank you so much! If it wasn't for you i would not of won that world title. I'm so thankful. 

Jaz Baker


Hi Dicker and gang, a big well done for Malta the best world champs yet, the whole week was great fun and we got to close to the Italians again, well done to all that competed and got to stand on the rostrum.  will see you all soon. 

Pete cook


Hello one and all!!!! Finally back in front of my lovely computer at my lovely place of work!! I am so Happy! :?/ 
Just a quick note to let everyone that went to Malta know that they were amazing, and I was amazing, and you were amazing, and we were all amazing!!!!!!   Massive respect to everyone that helped organise the event! You kick ass!!!! 
Right, back to work,



Mike "AJ" Hackman


ey ppl,   well wat a wk...the best eva loved every min of it....especially jumping off the rocks with dicker he he. jst like to to say thanks to chris edgehill and all his team for making our week your the best guys eva and were missing ya loads...see you all nxt week love

Danni and Sammy Pollard


Master Deadly / Simone,
As parents you must have been very proud last week, I think at times that is often forgotten, that you are there as parents aswell as, organisers, coaches, role models etc.     I would doubt anyone caould ver step into your shoes and do such a great job.   It was great standing next to you Simone and sharing that special moment when Ricky recieved his title,though the smile on his face defo made the whole trip worth it, and to see little bobby and jay make the poduim was fantastic, I will never forget Bobby Strutting up.( there were both extra special by stepping up into the next category to what they normally fight in )    Tom and Rich are always a pleasure to They both bring great characters to the squad and although it can be a while in between seeing them, they always seem to remember you and are always filled with fun. lol.    Danyel, to me was a star, when i seen the size of some of the girls in her category she did not get faised but got on with it.She is so mature to talk to and I felt I got to know her more during the trip. 
So as parents and grandparents I salute you both you are doing a fantastic job. WELL DONE TO YOU BOTH 

Mrs Taggart


Hi Deadly,Simone, Ricky and all the family just wishing you all the best for 2007 and to thank you for Malta and all that went with it, it made 2006 so very special for all of us and we look forward to traveling with you many times in 2007. I know this year is going to be great and we all look forward to meeting up with you in the near future, all the best.

Sandy, Rose and James Gaskill


Thanks to everyone for all their kind comments, although that event took over 12 months to organise and there were many times that I felt like chucking my paperwork under a moving train, I can honestly say that to see the faces of so many smiling on the rostrum made it all worth it. Seeing my three sons take places was great .For Jamie & Bobby who are regular competitors since they were 4 & 5 (they are still only 5 and 6!!) I know that they will get there most kids their age would never get on a mat let alone fight as well as they do. Ricky-Lee trains really hard and has a great attitude to martial arts, he missed out on a title many times but this year has won several British, a European and a world title, here's to many more son! There were many that took World Titles that had missed out achieving their dream and through determination and a love of the martial arts they stuck at it and got there. For those who didn't quite make it use these people as an inspiration and you can fulfill yr dreams. For those who won this time well done u deserve it, this is where the hard work starts for you! Now you are at the top you have to train twice as hard to stay there. As a World Champion you have to conduct yourself as such and set a good example to others. I saw one particular boy this year from one of the other countries who won a World title in Germany 04, this year he was cocky, arrogant and not a good ambassador for the sport, he ended up losing because he was acting cocky instead of getting his job done. When you are a World Champion everyone wants to beat you to prove a point, if you become big-headed and cocky instead of staying humble and having respect for your opponents then believe me people will lose respect for you and in my books people respecting a fighter means more than any title or trophy. Enjoy all the memories of the trip and here's to the next one!
Goldie xx

Simone Hopkins

Cheltenham HQ

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