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BLACKBELT LICENCES: Any student that has the grade of blackbelt or above MUST acquire a blackbelt licence via their Instructor (Unless they have an Instructor licence). Student licences are not valid for students with the grade of Blackbelt or above. W6+ packages do not include blackbelt licences fee's. They can be purchased below.
BLACKBELT LICENCES: Any student that has the grade of blackbelt or above MUST acquire a blackbelt licence via their Instructor (Unless they have an Instructor licence). Student licences are not valid for students with the grade of Blackbelt or above. W6+ packages do not include blackbelt licences fee's. They can be purchased below.
BLACKBELT LICENCES: Any student that has the grade of blackbelt or above MUST acquire a blackbelt licence via their Instructor (Unless they have an Instructor licence). Student licences are not valid for students with the grade of Blackbelt or above. W6+ packages do not include blackbelt licences fee's. They can be purchased below.

- 23 Mar 2025, 11:00Cheltenham, Tommy Taylors Ln, Cheltenham GL50 4RN, UKVenue: Leisure at Cheltenham, Tommy Taylors Ln, Cheltenham, GL50 4RN | National Competition | Doors Open 11am Kata\forms, Points, Continuous, Tag Team tournament | WUMA Licenced Event | Pre-reg only for competitors | Promotor: Master Deadly,
- 19 Apr 2025, 11:00Somerset Kickboxing Academy, Unit 8B, Crypton Technology Business Park, Bristol Rd, Bridgwater TA6 4SY, UKOpen to all WUMA schools members | You do not have to grade to take part in the seminar | 11:00am - 4:00pm Saturday (Seminar) | 11:00am - 4:00pm Sunday (Seminar) | 11:00am - 7:00pm Sunday (Blackbelt Grading) | You must pre-register & pay the deposit | Promotor: Master Deadly -
- WUMA EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS 202529 Jun 2025, 11:00Cheltenham, Tommy Taylors Ln, Cheltenham GL50 4RN, UKVenue: Leisure at Cheltenham, Tommy Taylors Ln, Cheltenham, GL50 4RN | International Competition | Doors Open 11am Kata\forms, semi-contact points, light-contact continuous tournament | Open to WUMA Licenced Members only | Pre-reg only for competitors | Promotor: Master Deadly,
- WUMA NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS 202505 Oct 2025, 11:00Cheltenham, Tommy Taylors Ln, Cheltenham GL50 4RN, UKVenue: Leisure at Cheltenham, Tommy Taylors Ln, Cheltenham, GL50 4RN | International Competition | Doors Open 11am Kata\forms, semi-contact points, light-contact continuous tournament | Open to WUMA Licenced Members only | Pre-reg only for competitors | Promotor: Master Deadly,
- 18 Oct 2025, 11:00Somerset Kickboxing Academy, Unit 8B, Crypton Technology Business Park, Bristol Rd, Bridgwater TA6 4SY, UKOpen to all WUMA schools members | You do not have to grade to take part in the seminar | 11:00am - 4:00pm Saturday (Seminar) | 11:00am - 4:00pm Sunday (Seminar) | 11:00am - 7:00pm Sunday (Blackbelt Grading) | You must pre-register & pay the deposit | Promotor: Master Deadly -
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